


#1 On the sofa, poorly. Again. For such a robust looking little man you have far more than your fair share of ‘the crummies’, to quote The Lorax. You’re not the easiest of patients and I’m not cut out to be a nurse but we muddle through.

#2 This week you lost one of your wobbly teeth, and caught your brother’s virus. Not a great week all round but you bounced back quickly and, more importantly, you’re happy.

There are some weeks you’re just glad to see the back of, right? This was one of those! I know it’s a bit ungrateful to say so but January and February suck as far as I’m concerned. Perhaps I should consider hibernating in the future? Tortoises; they’ve got it about right if you ask me and I happen to think they’re pretty cool, too.

The weeks are flying by so quickly that Spring will be here before we know it. Hanging on to that thought…

Joining in the 52 Project with Practising Simplicity and Living Arrows.