31/52 :: the barn


#2 You constantly surprise me with what you’re fearless about when, so often, you’re naturally cautious. There is more to you than meets the eye, my handsome boy.

We pass this barn all the time; it’s between our house and Nanny and Grandad’s. We’ve not stopped before but the light on this particular evening was just beautiful. I wish I was skilled enough to capture it how I would like to. We were already way past bedtime. The boys were tired and grubby but keen to jump out and investigate. While I helped the little one to get his wellies on, Boy1 was off exploring. I’d intended to simply try and get a couple of shots of them outside the barn (after all, I guess we shouldn’t really have been there) but by the time we’d caught up he was in and rummaging. I find it strange and interesting that in many and most situations he’s cautious, holds back, over analyses. And yet here was a semi derelict barn, full of goodness knows what – piles of old tyres, broken machinery, overgrown dark corners, crazy shadows – and he was in his element. He created hulk-like action figure shadows on the corrugated iron walls and imagined himself as Stig of the Dump. I tried to persuade him not to touch stuff, that we didn’t know if it was safe and that we shouldn’t really be there, but he came home with pockets stuffed with broken bits and bobs. Boy treasure.








Joining in with lovely people over at Practising Simplicity and I Heart Snapping #52Project #livingarrows