


#1/#2 You both LOVED this opportunity to run around in the fields at bedtime!

The obligatory photographs in fields of yellow rape, I know, but I was desperate to try out capturing some sun flare at the end of a warm day. I gave that idea up pretty swiftly; learning a new technique when your subjects are running around like crazy loons in the opposite direction you need them is a bad (and frustrating) plan. I don’t like giving up but on this occasion it turned out to be the best idea of the day; they had a great time which ultimately made for better photos in the long run. Sun flare 101 will have to wait, for the moment. Here are some others from the same evening…










Joining in with some serious, real talent and enthusiasm over at Practising Simplicity and I Heart Snapping #52Project #livingarrows ❀

7 thoughts on “18/52

  1. We live next door to a rape field which is a bonus, but I’m married to an overly conscientious man from a farming family so I am always made to stick to the tractor tracks when really I want to go running around in the field – enjoy!

    • Thanks for visiting, Clare. I grew up in rural Norfolk where agriculture is king and trust me, I suggested to my boys that sticking to the tractor tracks was the right thing to do. They didn’t listen, naturally, and their excitement was too much for me to crack down on πŸ™‚

  2. Beautiful. Isn’t shooting quick boys a job in itself? I’m still figuring out lens flare and generally fall on it by chance not by skill. Hoping I can change that eventually but I doubt my subject would be my little Road Runner though..

    • Thanks Stephy-Lou. I have my camera on manual but I often think I’d be better switching to a sports setting when my boys are in motion ;). As for capturing sun flare, I’ve only managed it with the kit zoom lens I got with the camera which I’m not massively keen on (prefer prime lenses). And then I’ve only managed to really get it with inanimate objects πŸ˜€ The day I took these had been lovely but by the evening it was hazy which I think stopped it from working, maybe? I have sooooo much to learn!

    • Thanks Jenni. The gate shots only happened by chance. We were going to go home and I’d parked the car next to the gate. Then the boys started playing on it…for the next 20 minutes πŸ˜‰

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