


#1 You’ve always been physical, actually finding it almost impossible to stay still, but this week you discovered that you can balance. And I mean really balance.

#2 You were so tempted to get straight into the water. The deal was that we’d head to a cafe for lunch before getting soaked. You just about kept to that promise. Just about.

We took a train into London for a day of exploring the HMS Belfast, and playing in the water fountains on the More London Estate. The boys had the best time, climbing up and down steep stairs on the ship, engaging in navy related imaginary play, and waving to passing tourist boats. Just a short walk from the Belfast we found the water fountains and made the most of a warm day. London really is the most bizarre place, you know. I lived there for seven years prior to having the boys and I never really noticed. Where else would you find young children, wearing just their swimming trunks, running around playing water games (and acting out bizarre contemporary dance moves) amongst city workers on their lunch break and no one bats an eyelid, engages in conversation or even remotely acknowledges your kids are, quite literally batsh*t crazy?! If this sort of thing happened on Canterbury high street it would make the local news 🙂

It was a great, albeit slightly mad, day (and despite the very serious faces I seem to have captured, they did an awful lot of laughing!)












Joining in with lovely people over at Practising Simplicity and I Heart Snapping #52Project #livingarrows

2 thoughts on “25/52

    • Oh thank you! We did have a fab day. When we get good days weather-wise here, we try and make the mist of it! I would love to live somewhere where the summer us longer and more reliable; I’m not a fan of the winter. Hope yours is kind x

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